Copies of Letters Sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, April 15, 1895–December 6, 1926


Copies of Letters Sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, April 15, 1895–December 6, 1926


This series consists of four letter press volumes and additional copies of letters not in volumes sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs by the superintendent of the Pipestone Indian School. The letter press volumes cover the period from 1895-1916. The copies of letters that are not in the volumes date from 1923-1926. The subject content varies, however, the majority of the letters relate to instructions; answers to exceptions to cash and property accounts; requests for authorities to purchase supplies and equipment; submission of expense vouchers and abstracts of disbursements; quarterly reports of school activities; periodic reports on employees and annual reports for the Pipestone Indian School for 1895-1896 and 1902-1904, and the Birch Cooley Day School 1902-1903. For the period 1895-1897 the series includes some copies of miscellaneous letters sent.

1 linear foot, 2 linear inches

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11668580

National Archives at Kansas City

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